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Based in Kansas City, MO

Luna Bakery

Serving the Kansas City, Missouri area.

From the Shop

About Us

Hi, welcome to my baking page! My name is Lauren and I’m an avid at home sourdough baker. Luna Bakery is my at home passion project I’m getting off the ground. I’ve been baking more than my family and friends are able to consume so I want to start selling loaves in the KC/ North KC community! I started baking sourdough after getting diagnosed with pre-diabetes and hashimotos after a tough pregnancy ending with a preeclampsia diagnosis and a difficult birth. When I received my diagnoses I knew I needed to mitigate inflammatory foods, and unfortunately that included gluten. I’ve been fermenting different foods like kombucha, rejuvelac, probiotic ginger beer, fire cider, and homemade apple cider vinegar for the last 12 years. It only made sense to learn how to start and maintain sourdough levain and bake amazing bread products for myself and my family so we could stop relying on store bought bread. While sourdough does still contain gluten, the fermentation process lowers the glycemic load and gluten content. I have personally found sourdough is much easier to digest, although everyone is different. I’ve loved adding sourdough baking to my fermentation knowledge and I hope my customers are happy with their loaves!

💌 🛍️ 🛒 ✨

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